Wednesday, January 4, 2012

my hunt for purple blush: mac vintage grape blush ombre


if you have been a follower of my blog, you know i have no true purple shades of blush in my stash. this has started a bit of a personal frenzy to find the perfect plum blush. i recently was gifted my first purple blush contender, mac's vintage grape blush ombre, from a friend who knew i had my eye on the shade. i contemplated picking up azalea blossom blush ombre as well (both are from the daphne guinness collection) but i knew i would rarely reach for it due to it being such a cool pink (my least favorite blush shade.) the only reason i would have picked it up would strictly be for collection purposes (then i would need ripe peach as well, eh?) and because i find ombre products so darn pretty to look at.


i love the way this product looks in the pan. ombres make me so happy. i would describe the color as a pinkish lavender shading down to a dirty dark aubergine.


as expected with most mac blushes, swirling vigorously and copious amounts of layering is required for any color to noticeably show up on my skin. this doesn't bother me TOO much since i am so infatuated with how it looks in the pan. a vain reason, but true. this blog IS called a blog of vain pleasures after all!


on me vintage grape turns into a warm fuchsia. pretty, but not the purpley goodness i had in mind. i like how it wears on jessica more than on myself. next time i will try concentrating my brush on the darker side rather than haphazardly swirling about.

while i didnt find my ideal purple blush yet, i am not disappointed in picking up vintage grape. it is purple i can add to my collection (albeit a pinkish purple), the texture is decent, and it is an ombre which is a good enough reason itself. the hunt continues...

what is your favorite purple blush?